The Forces Online CIO Welfare Department is a new dedicated service created to support Veteran’s and their families and is led by Wendy Powell-Jones who is the Head of this department.
We have a team of counsellor’s who are registered with a governing body, insured, and DBS checked.
Our counsellors are skilled at listening to people, and can offer valuable support which includes helping people to rebuild their lives.
Within the Welfare department we also have a team dedicated welfare and friendship workers who provide impartial and confidential information, advice and guidance to individuals and families about a variety of social, financial, legal and employment problems. Helping people in crisis situations and complex problems.
No issue is too big or too small to seek support. You may have a longstanding concern or facing a new challenge. You may feel that something isn’t quite right.
There may be a number of issues that are impacting on your daily life making things harder to manage. You may suffer from panic or anxiety attacks, lack of sleep, change in eating habits, lacking in motivation and not wanting to be here.
Whatever your reasons are, don’t be afraid to ask for help and support. You don’t need to go through this alone.